Katy Kristin

Katy Kristin LogoEvery wanted to wear a flower necklace? If so Katy Kristin’s jewelry is perfect for you. And better yet her flowers don’t die. With loving details she brings the playfulness of flowers to life in felt. After seeing her works I am convinced felt is the perfect medium for capturing the essence of flowers.



Katy Kristin Art The Rose-Lariat Necklace show left is a prime example of how beautifully Katy Kristin brings the joys of flowers to life using only felt, skill and probably a lot of love. Her work is full of so much life you will be temped to water it.

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Mark Poulin

Mark Poulin Earings Mark Poulin’s jewelry is a favorite here at Hip Monsters. Fun, innovative, and skillfully made his earrings, necklaces, and bracelets always bring a smile to any monster. His stylized creatures have plenty of personality and innocence that comes through in every one of his pieces.

Mark Poulin Design “Cloud Puppy Art” shown right is available as a print. Mark Poulin also has prints and enable wall art that share the sense of humor that is so perfectly displayed in his jewelry. He also has a more ‘serious’ collection of jewelry that is abstract but colorful and fun nonetheless.

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